Another thing I think about is men. I like men. I’d like to have one in my life. Im not quite sure how I’ll really fit a man into my life with all of the other things I’ve got going on but a little dating here and there probably wouldn’t be the worst thing for me to pursue. So when Zabel sent me this link to take an “online dating persona” test at okcupid I decided to make a profile and stick around for awhile…see what there is to see.
What is my online dating persona you might ask? Well…according to their highly scientific calculations I am the Sonnet;
Romantic, hopeful, and composed. You are the Sonnet. Get it? Composed? Sonnets want Love and have high ideals about it. They're conscientious people, caring & careful. You yourself have deep convictions, and you devote a lot of thought to romance and what it should be. This will frighten away most potential mates, but that's okay, because you're very choosy with your affections anyway. You'd absolutely refuse to date someone dumber than you, for instance.
Lovers who share your idealized perspective, or who are at least willing to totally throw themselves into a relationship, will be very, very happy with you. And you with them. You're already selfless and compassionate, and with the right partner, there's no doubt you can be sensual, even adventurously so.
You probably have lots of female friends, and they have a special soft spot for you. Babies do, too, at the tippy-top of their baby skulls.
Im already having fun with it. Worst case scenario I’ll make some new friends and maybe go on a date or two. Best case scenario and I’ll meet “the one”. Who knows…who cares. Life is to be lived and that is what I am going to do. So…What are the odds of meeting “the one” here in Los Angeles? Well…according to the Boston Globe they might actually be pretty good.
Check this out…

A singles map of the United States of America
Which cities have a surplus of single men (or women) - and what that means for the country
WHICH OF THESE two decisions do you think has a bigger impact on someone's life: finding the right job, or finding the right significant other? No one's going to argue
with the notion that where you live affects your employment prospects. But the place you call home has a lot to do with your chances of finding the right partner as well. Having an enticing "mating market" matters as much or more than a vibrant labor market.
It's not just that some places have more singles than others. If you're a single man or a single woman the odds of meeting that special someone vary dramatically across the country.
By far, the best places for single men are the large cities and metro areas of the East Coast and Midwest. The extreme is greater New York, where single women outnumber single men by more than 210,000. In the Philadelphia area and greaterWashington, D.C., single women outnumber single men by 50,000. I met my wife outside Detroit, where the odds were greatly stacked in my favor -single women outnumber single men by some 20,000 there.
In fact, single women outnumber single men in many large cities around the world, even though men outearn women at all ages, according to Lena C. Edlund, a Columbia University economist. One reason young women in the prime marriage years - the 25-44 age range - flock to big cities is to compete for the most eligible men. And smart women who gravitate to vibrant cities are more likely to stay single - for longer, at least - because they rightly refuse to settle for someone who can't keep up with them intellectually or otherwise.
But women do have an advantage in the American West and Southwest. In greater Los Angeles, for example, there are 90,000 more single men than women. In Phoenix and the San Francisco Bay Area, single men outnumber single women by roughly 65,000. There are considerably more single men than women in San Diego, Dallas, and Seattle, too. Each of these regions has grown substantially over the past two or three decades, offering jobs in everything from high tech to construction and
services. As numerous studies of migration show, men - especially those in regions with declining economies - are initially more likely to move long distances for economic opportunity, while women are more likely to stay closer to home and family.
Read the rest of the article here…
So there you have it. There are more men here than there are women.
“To the moon, Alice, to the moon!”

P.S. Lets have a little fun. If you take the quiz...drop me a comment and let me know who your dating persona is...unless you're too shy of course.
I never meant that it was a BAD thing that your blog was focusing on mental health these days... just something I noticed.
PS. I'm a "Maid Of Honor". Kinda funny, huh? Always a bridesmaid...
PS. They are not taking into consideration the amount of GAY MEN in the SF area when doing their census. Kinda makes the final count moot.
Never a bride.
I believe the old wivestale is "Thrice a bridesmaid never a bride."
I have been a bridesmaid four times.
Does this mean that Im working on not getting married in my next life either! ;)
Are you on hiatus, or just busy?
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