I am so sorry to have neglected you so egregiously this past week and a half. But it really isn't my fault you see. The problem, dear Blog, is that I have become completely OVERWHELMED with work. It's not that I don't think about you, and its not that I don't have things I want to write about its just that when I get home all I can bring myself to actually do it have a glass of wine, eat a bit of dinner, and collapse into bed.
Lather, rinse, repeat.

Its not just you, dear blog, I haven't been responding to the nice young men that send me email to my Okcupid account either. In fact...last Sunday, when I normally would have maybe written a post I decided instead to respond to a few of those emails. They are, after all, living breathing men that might be able to satisfy a particular need that you, no matter how hard you try, will never be able to achieve. Also, there are all of the friends and family that I have been neglecting of late. I had to find some time for them too.
So what is it I'm so busy doing that I cant find the time to show some love to my blog? Well...here's a typical day;
Exercise (30-60 minutes plus gear-up time)
I need to fit some kind of physical activity into each day. Not only is this good for the contours of my ass...its good for the state of my brain. Regular exercise= steady serotonin levels= a happier more pleasant Julie to be around.

This category includes things like making my bed, doing/folding the laundry, bathing, washing dishes, grocery shopping, preparing food, paying bills. You get the picture. All the little shit that has to get done takes about 1-2 hours/day when you average it out over the week.
Commuting (90-120 minutes depending on traffic)
It is too expensive to live

Biologizing (6-10 hours/day)
Its a lab. It varies from day to day. For example. I should be working RIGHT NOW. I'm not. I'm blogging. Means I'm going to have to make it up at some point. That will probably be Sunday. I'm pretty sure I'll have to come in on Sunday. I was in lab this past Sunday. Its one of the reasons you didn't see a post from me this past weekend, and...one of the reasons you might not see a post from me this weekend either. Then again the way my world works...one can never say for sure.
So, on average we're talking about 12 hours of structure per day. In this I have not included time spent socializing with friends, writing...anything, taking a moment to myself to decompress and process daily stresses, read a book or article, read/comment upon other blogs, watch a movie...have a life. And...forget about sleep. Sleep is for Saturday.
Am I complaining, dear Blog? No. Most definitely not. I like being busy. I like feeling purposeful. I just thought I should let you know why I haven't had as much time for you as I did at the beginning of the year. I want you to understand that it isn't you...it's me. It's me and mi vida loca getting in the way of us. I promise not to abandon you...I just need some space and time. I hope you understand. I hope you'll still love me when I find myself bored and frustrated and in need of a place to vent.
Love and butterscotch sundaes with lots of whipped cream,
The Julie

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