I love Lost. I absolutely LOVE the show Lost. Last nights episode was probably the best one yet of the season…and not just for the eye candy. See…in addition to great writing and the fact that you never know what kind of weird twist is coming next the one thing that I absolutely love about Lost is the number of extremely good looking ruffians that populate the cast. The show is nothing but eye candy for us lady lovers of the “bad boy”. See the young man in the forefront of the above picture. THAT is my kind of man. The things I want to do to him would shame a veteran prostitute.
Funny enough…he looks a lot like my William. I miss William. We had an interesting night on Saturday. Interesting, confusing, weird, unexpected, wish it had never happened kind of night on Saturday. I haven’t heard from him since then and I’m still trying to process the whole evening. The fact of the matter is…I have been beating myself up over Saturday. Was he wrong? Was I wrong? I don’t know. All I know is that I am not proud of what happened. We are all allowed to “fuck up” now and again…but I don’t take personal failure well. I see what happened on Saturday as a personal failure.
A couple of posts ago I mentioned that I was going to start therapy. Well…it’s not like I don’t already have a “therapist” of sorts. Enter my trainer, Darkus. Darkus is
around 50…give or take a few years. He’s an enormous ex-football player who provides for me, in addition to killer workouts and deep tissue massage, “fatherly advice”. D, as I call him, has been in a solid relationship for going on 10 plus years now…but it wasn’t always that way. He has had his share of family and relationship dysfunction so in between sets, as he works out any kinks that have developed since the last time I met with him, I use him as a sounding board. This morning I caught him up on all that has been going on with Will and I…much of it left OFF the blog. He laughed. He told me that we are fine…that we are normal. He told me that this is how all healthy relationships start… that the most important thing is that we communicate with each other. And…we do. I don’t always like what Will has to tell me, and I don’t always like what Will does, but…he has never left me in the dark, and as far as I know he has never lied to me...even when he may have wanted to. I explained to D, in gory detail, the events of Saturday night. I expected a chastising but what I got is D’s laughter. “Baby girl” he said “that kind of thing happens all the time…I’ve had that happen to me…he’ll call you…and I doubt he is mad at you…the person he is most likely mad at is himself.” He further went on to say “Just keep doing what you’re doing…keep letting him know that you’re there for him and that you’re not like the women he is used to…and he’ll learn…all men need to be trained but the good news is…we like it when you ladies take the time to do so.” He told me some other things. Some things I didn’t want to hear…some things that make me nervous. Other than to say that he assured me that I have nothing to worry about I’ll be keeping those things off the blog as well.
Other than that, life is good. My paper is coming along nicely and today is February 29th. A day that happens only once every four years and as I like to say “One year from today doesn’t exist...so anything you do today didn’t really happen!"
So…I didn’t really post this picture of the other piece of Lost eye candy I like to feast my eyes upon…

Nor did I post this one for all the ladies that like a cleaner cut type of man...

P.S. You can have this one…bleh!
Funny enough…he looks a lot like my William. I miss William. We had an interesting night on Saturday. Interesting, confusing, weird, unexpected, wish it had never happened kind of night on Saturday. I haven’t heard from him since then and I’m still trying to process the whole evening. The fact of the matter is…I have been beating myself up over Saturday. Was he wrong? Was I wrong? I don’t know. All I know is that I am not proud of what happened. We are all allowed to “fuck up” now and again…but I don’t take personal failure well. I see what happened on Saturday as a personal failure.
A couple of posts ago I mentioned that I was going to start therapy. Well…it’s not like I don’t already have a “therapist” of sorts. Enter my trainer, Darkus. Darkus is

Other than that, life is good. My paper is coming along nicely and today is February 29th. A day that happens only once every four years and as I like to say “One year from today doesn’t exist...so anything you do today didn’t really happen!"
So…I didn’t really post this picture of the other piece of Lost eye candy I like to feast my eyes upon…

Nor did I post this one for all the ladies that like a cleaner cut type of man...

P.S. You can have this one…bleh!
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