So, since I didn’t know what the flick was about, not only did I not have high expectations I had no expectations. And you know what…I liked it. I liked it a lot. If you are like me and don’t get out to the picture show often then you might have as little clue what I’m talking about as I did when I walked into the theater. The whole movie is centered around a Godzilla like attack on Manhattan yuppies. Filmed in the style of “The Blair Witch Project” there is never a moment that you wonder if this could possibly a real event. If it had…you would most surely have heard about it. Unlike “The Blair Witch Project” this movie was actually good. Borrowing on the accidental genius of Steven Speilberg in Jaws you don’t really get a goo

First off, the movie opens with our gang attending a going away party for the hero of our tale. The first thing I noticed was the complete absence of any unattractive people at this party. Where were all the ugly people? Surly this guy had to have at least one visually unappealing comrade…or is our hero Rob a complete and total snob? Secondly, why does Hollywood always show women running from things in heels? Toward the end of the movie I noticed one of the heroines scaling a wall still wearing her party shoes…her heeled party shoes. This is despite a clear shot of the gang standing outside a shoe store while trying to figure out what to do next? I’d like to think the next thing on my to-do list at

All in all…it was a good movie and I’d recommend it to my friends. Afterwards we went for drinks and conversation where I found that non-bloggers don’t fully get blogging. While he completely understands “the writing process” he isn’t completely comfortable with being a character in my story…even with all of the names changed. The following evening Lydia and I double teamed him trying to explain that not only are very few people reading this and of those it is highly unlikely that anyone that knows him is reading this and of those it is highly unlikely that they would know it’s a blog written by yours truly much less that he is the hero of this tale. But…despite our efforts he remains bugged. We are at an impasse on this and as I told him that if I’m going to write about my life, and he is going to be a big part of my life that he would also have to be at least a small part of my blog tale. Un-fazed he told me that he’s not mad…it just gives him a bit of anxiety thinking “he’s out there”. I assured him that he really isn’t and challenged him to find this blog. I told him that if he could find it I would remove any and all reference to him. He laughed and said he didn’t think he’d take me up o

Rounding out a busy week (and let me tell you…there is much I could blog about) I had dinner with my friend Zabel last night. She’s a fellow grad student and wanted to check out this Armenian restaurant for some student government function she’s spearheading. The food was great and while the dishes were pricey you could feed 3 people off of one plate. I barely made a dent in my food so in addition to the leftover pizza from my evening with Lydia I now have roast lamb/rice/tahini/humus in my fridge. If I’m not careful I will become a house. We had a great time chatting…I almost never see her. She, being so busy with all of her extra-curricular activities and me being wrapped up in all of the Leila drama we rarely get together. It was only recently that I found out she is Iraqi. Last night toward the end of our time I asked her how old she was when she moved here and she told me she was 15. Doing some quick math in my head I said “So…you lived under Saddam?” Yup…she sure did. We talked for a little bit about that…my impression being that it wasn’t so different from living under Bush except that you can criticize our government without fear of getting thrown into prison or…worse. Basically…Saddam is an idiot not fit to rule and I have no doubt that if our country didn’t have rules against cruel and unusual punishment there really wouldn’t be much difference between the two “leaders”.
It was a good time, and as I drove home I thought to myself that despite all the difficulties of living in a city like LA the diversity of the people you can meet and get to know is really quite astounding. I me

What was I so afraid of? Change? I don’t think so…especially not given the drastic change I gave my appearance today. I’ve gone from blonde to a dark chestnut red brunette. I love love love my new color and I cant wait to show it off tonight as I go for a beer with my English representative, Paul who I haven’t had much chance to chat with this week. So now I must go put on some purple eye-shadow to bring out the green in my eyes. Yes…I’m going to go with Paul over to farts and darts. Leila might be there later but I cant avoid the place forever…and I miss it just a little.
Hopefully she won’t show up…though I doubt it. Im just not the kind that wont do what I want to do simply because I want to avoid someone. But no worries…while I might be polite should the occasion arise, I won’t be letting her back into my life. I don’t really have room for her anyway!
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