Sitting on the floor of my bedroom are 22
CD's in a target bag. 22
CD's that William loaned to me. 22 good
CD's. Some are things that I once owned on record or tape. Some are things that William thought I would like (he was right). All meant to be loaded onto my
iPod so that we would have music we'd both like to listen to in the car or here at my home (not all of my stuff is fit for his ears).
Back in the early days...the first time we had a disagreement...he asked me if I'd sold them. I had laughed and said "No...who would do something like that?" "You'd be surprised" he'd said. Seems William has had some real quality women in his life.
The first time we "broke up" I told him he could have his stuff back whenever he wanted it. I had sent him a letter after a big argument. I was letting him off the hook. I told him that if and when he felt ready he could knock on my door. He called me almost
immediately. I look back on that conversation from early January. A conversation that once graced the pages of this blog and will now grace it once more...
Me: Hello…this is a surprise.
Will: yeah…I figured as much…And you’re awake…as usual.
Me: yeah…
I'm writing.
Will: (chuckling).
Me: Yeah…I’
ve got a lot on my mind…a lot that needs to be put on paper….things to process. I’m thinking I should re-start my blog.
Will: That’s probably a good idea.
Me: Yes.
Will: I wish I were a writer…but I can’t write the way you do.
Me: Have you actually read anything I’
ve written (and I’m thinking of some of my stories and articles)
Will: Well…I read your letter.
Me: Oh right…the letter.
Will: Are you sitting down?
Me: Yes.
Will: Are you ready for this?
Me: (my heart fluttering because I knew what was coming) Yes.
Will: Are you sure?
Me: Please just say what you have to say.
Will: I want to thank you for that letter. It was long, but I read the whole thing.
Me: Yeah…I know…sorry about that.
Will: No…you expressed yourself very well…I appreciate it…and I owe you so much more than what I have given you.
Me: Yes.
Will: The thing is…I need to be selfish right now…and I think you understand that.
Me: Yes…I do. That was the point of “if/when you are ready.”
Will: Yes…but I owe you an explanation. I’m not happy right now. And I’
ve been trying to get happy…trying to date you…and I just can’t get there. Things were so good for me not so long ago and I need to get my life back on track.
Me: Yes…you do….and I completely support what you are doing.
Will: I know that it’s just…I need to be this guy right now. I need to be this unhappy person. I just don’t even like myself right now.
Me: You have no idea how well I understand that. But…can we get to the point? Is this a break-up speech?
Will: You are
sooo good at expressing yourself. I’m trying to. It’s hard.
Me: It’s a simple question Will…is this too much for you right now?
Will: Yes…it is. And I don’t want to get in the way of all the things you are doing. I know you have been where I am and I am
sooo proud of you for all that you have accomplished. I don’t want to get in the way of that and I don’t want to bring you down.
Me: You might not believe this…but you really don’t…and there
isn’t any way that you actually could.
Will: You are so strong.
Me: No…not really…I am…as you know…just a girl.
Will: Yes…you are definitely a girl. I just need to do this on my own…and I think you understand that.
Me: Unfortunately…I really do.
(Pregnant pause)
Me: OK. Well…your stuff is still here right where you left it. You can have it back any time you want it. I understand where you are coming from…and I’m going to miss you…but I want you to do what you need to do and I’m going to be OK.
Will: Are you running away now?
Me: (Thinking HUH?)
Nooooo. I thought that is what you wanted…to do this on your own. I’m sorry…you’re really confusing me here.
Will: I just don’t feel like a man. I just don’t. And you have explained perfectly well how you feel about that…and I know none of what matters to me in that respect matters to you but I just cant wrap my mind around it. I have to feel like a man again and I don’t know how to do that…it could take years.
(Pregnant pause)
Me: Look. I know you’re struggling. I know you’re scared. I know surfing the bottom…feeling worthless…and that you’re afraid of dragging me into your funk but the fact of the matter is…that
isn’t possible. I have such a full life. I have practically everything I want. The only thing I lack is someone to take care of…someone to bring coffee in bed too. And I need that. The mother in me has been underfed for so long and you filled that gap…for however brief a period it was…and I miss that…truly and completely miss that…it’s like a hole that I
didn’t even realize was there until you came into my life. And I want you to need me more than I want anyone else in my life to need me. And I don’t fully know why you are the chosen one, but you are. And I know you don’t believe this, but I’m really happy when we’re together…even if when you’re depressed. Call it co-dependent…call it what you will…but we have a connection that I’
ve just never felt with anyone else and when you feel that connection you can’t deny it.
Will: I know…I know just what you mean. We do have something special.
Me: (quietly) I don’t want to give up on you. I want to be with you.
Will: That is just so hard to believe…I don’t even want to be with me right now.
Me: Oh honey. Yeah. I know that one too. (Insert pause) What is so funny about this situation is that even though you won’t admit it you need someone to care for you and support you....and I need someone to care for and it’s just so amazing that two puzzle pieces that should fit together just don’t seem to be able to lock.
Will: I know.
Me: So what are we going to do?
Will: I don’t know…and I’m sorry I have to say this…but its really late and I have to be up really early.
Me: Yes…you do.
Will: Can we finish this another time?
Me: Yes. Get some sleep. Talk to you soon.
Will: OK. Good night.
Me: Good night.
He tried to end this then...and for some reason didn't. This isn't about me. It's about him. Funny enough...right now I feel free. I've been sitting on this fence for a long time. I don't want him to come back to me right now. Maybe someday...but not right now.
Those 22
CD's are still sitting on my floor. Those 22
CD's that he was so concerned about. Those 22
CD's that he saw or commented on every time he's come over since. Those 22
CD's he never grabbed on his way out.
Those 22
CD's still sitting on my floor.