Still not really ready to write but since its been a few days since my last post and my stat counter keeps getting hits I figure I’d let the world know that I am still alive and kicking. When last I signed in to blogger it was Wednesday. On Thursday I hit a wall…a thick, high, re-bar re-enforced cinderblock wall. After three weeks of getting almost no sleep I found myself completely unable to function. Thankfully, I was pretty much done with everything I had to get done by Friday so I left work early. I hit the sheets around 6:30pm and I barely moved the rest of the evening. Not because I didn’t want to...I simply couldn’t. My body was like lead and I was literally stuck to the bed. I would think to myself “Move your arm”…but I couldn’t. That night I slept for 12...yes 12…hours. And it still wasn't enough. I am still exhausted…mentally, physically, emotionally exhausted. I have spent the better part of the last three days in bed, and while this might normally be some sign of depression its not. I’m just oh so very tired. I've been watching TV, reading other peoples blogs, and finally allowing myself to process some of the events that have occurred in my personal life over the past month. And while writing is great therapy and really forces you to see events clearly…you can get a lot more done if you just stay in your mind. And that is where I’ll remain for the time being.
In sum...I have a lot to write about...but I’m just not going to do it right now. I finally feel a little more like myself and I look forward to Monday when I can get up and start living a more normal existence again. But today I am going to just be. I am going to spend the rest of this day just being. I might do some laundry…but I’m really not committed.
So to all the folks that have been stopping by let me just say Happy Easter (complete with embedded humor)!
And if you’ve ever wondered what the Easter Bunny will be doing tomorrow…
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