Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Six Non-Important Things/Habits/Quirks About Me

UNO: I am a klutz. Not just any kind of klutz either…after 34 (almost 35…oh jeez!) years I am still like a newborn colt learning to walk. I walk into things a lot and I bang my arms on tables and door jams when I walk by them. I am so used to it that it doesn’t even faze me anymore. One night after an evening at the pub Mark gave me a ride home. As I was exiting his car to go inside he called out “Pole!” I thought he was giving me a hard time about my heritage so I turned my head to give him a dirty look and promptly walked into the pole that has been outside my complex for the entire three years I’ve lived here. He just shook his head and drove away. It doesn’t faze him anymore either.

DOS: Speaking of heritage…I am ½ Polish, ½ German. My Great Grandfather came here from Poland in 1914 passing through Ellis Island at the age of 14. He was alone. When he was 80 or so he had open heart surgery. The nurse asked him to remove his dentures before they put him on the gas. He refused...insisting the nurse do her job and remove the teeth for him. Finally persuaded, the nurse reached into his mouth and yanked to no avail. It should be noted that when my grandfather died some years later it was with his full set of adult teeth. When he would visit us he used to walk us to McDonalds for a happy meal…every day. When we would get home we would sit in this old car that my dad had stored in front of our house. It was very warm. Grandpa liked it that way…chilled to the bone in the house he used to tell me. Sometimes in the summer when it is very hot I sit in my car and think of my Grandpa. He always had spare change for us and he never let us have more than ½ a can of ginger ale at one sitting. I inherited his teeth. He died when I was 12 and I still miss him.

TRES: I bruise really easy. Like…please don’t hit me with a pillow easy. This is somewhat problematic given UNO. I always have some kind of bruise on my body and I almost never know where and/or when I got them. It has always bothered my boyfriends. They think that people will assume I’m being battered. Perhaps by the general public but…anyone that knows me well knows that I accidentally abuse myself. Because of this, actual abuse would be hard to prove.

QUATRO: I’m not afraid to eat weird things. I ate cuy (guinea pig) when I was in Peru. It was greasy and tasted like gamey chicken. My ex and I witnessed a deer get hit on the way to school once. We put it in the car, took it home, and had venison that night. It was a lot of meat for two people so we smoked the remainder. The jerky was excellent…though the consistency was a little like liver. I’ve had liver but I don’t really like it. I ate alligator in New Orleans, Iguana in Belize, and “the special” in Guatemala. I think it may have been tripe. It was pretty good, but I don’t think I’d like to eat it again. William wants to go camping. Like…put a pack on your back and hike but let’s not bring a tent (huh?) camping. He suggested that we’d eat bar-b-que crickets. That might be a little further than I’m willing to go…even if the legs and wings are removed. I smell a negotiation a coming!

CINCO: I used to sleepwalk. Once, while staying at a friends house during my high school years I went downstairs and emptied out the refrigerator while her parents watched. They tell me they were quite amused. I have no memory of this. Another time, I woke up in the bushes of the people across the street. They didn’t see me. I often woke up in the morning with scratches and cuts on my legs. I wonder what I was doing. I don’t think I sleepwalk anymore.

SEIS: I love anything hot. Curry, hot sauce, salsa…you name it. The hotter the better…or so I used to say…before that time I stopped at a little restaurant in a border town in New Mexico. I ordered the enchilada platter. She asked me if I wanted it medium, mild, or hot. I replied “HOT!” She raised her eyebrow and said “Are you sure?” “Yes…definitely…as hot as it comes.” She brought me my food and I dug in. It was hot. I mean…it was HOT! I don’t remember tasting anything other than the chili spice. It was so hot that it made me sweat bullets. My first bite was a zinger. I thought…what have I gotten myself into. My pride forced me to eat the entire thing. I couldn’t taste anything for two days after that.

OK. That was fun. Thanks to Lydia for “tagging me”. As part of this little game I tag Mark, Skip, and Always Aroused girl. Hers is a new blog for me, but it gives me comfort to know that not everyone in a mommy and me group thinks porn is a dirty word. I don’t really expect her to play…really just wanted to bring attention to her blog!

Here are “The rules”

1) Link to the person that tagged you.
2) Post the rules on your blog.
3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4) Tag at least three people at the end of your post and link to their blogs.
5) Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6) Let the fun begin


Anonymous said...

Awwww thanks for the shout-out!

Guinea pig? zThat's kinda nasty! :)

Anonymous said...

You freak me out... AGAIN.

When I thought about taking on this challenge... I began my post and numbered my 6 things in FRENCH... full word french.

Girlfriend, are you sure you're working with SCR and not cloning??

Julie said...

Doppleganger! lol!