Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ah, L'Amour

OK...Normally I wouldn't do this, but I've been really busy and have had no time to blog. Also...I'm not sure I really want to blog about what's going on in my head at the moment. Nothing bad really. Mostly work related stuff. The boy does play on my mind here and there. I guess all I can say is that William is acting like an asshole but the reality is he's being a bigger asshole to himself than he is to me. Sad enough to say.

So, while I would normally actually make an effort to write something I wont. I did however want to share the following video with you. Personally...I think we all know that this goes both ways but for now...without further ado...

May I present to you L'amore, or "how evil women fuck up good men."

OH...and if you've got 10 minutes to kill this is pretty funny too. Rejected...a look into the sick and twisted mind of a cartoonist rejected....

I've really got to get back to work but before I do allow me to remind you of why drugs are bad.

Don't let this happen to you...

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